Understanding Ohio Unemployment When Switching Jobs: A Legal Analysis

Understanding Ohio Unemployment When Switching Jobs: A Legal Analysis

The relationship between job transitions and unemployment benefits in Ohio often surprises both attorneys and their clients. A thorough understanding of this area of law proves essential for proper client representation and case management.

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Understanding Unemployment Benefits After Quitting In Lieu of an Impending Termination

Understanding Unemployment Benefits After Quitting In Lieu of an Impending Termination

Many employees find themselves in a challenging position when facing impending termination: stay until the actual discharge occurs, or resign beforehand to preserve professional relationships and future job prospects. What many don't realize is that under Ohio law, quitting before an inevitable termination doesn't automatically disqualify someone from receiving unemployment benefits.

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Resigning Due to Medical Issues?

Resigning Due to Medical Issues?

When applying for Ohio unemployment benefits, this can be just cause to resign, but generally the employee must both prove the medical condition prevents them from working that job AND take steps to try to resolve the issue with the employer (e.g., asking about alternative positions) before resigning.

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Resigning Due to Harassment - Unemployment Appeals 4/7/2016

Resigning Due to Harassment - Unemployment Appeals 4/7/2016

The Tenth District holds that a police officer who filed sexual harassment complaints lacks just cause to resign due to a purported failure to give the employer an adequate opportunity to resolve her complaints.

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Unemployment Appeals Reports 01/06/16

Unemployment Appeals Reports 01/06/16

The Twelfth District affirms a denial of unemployment benefits due to a resignation without just cause, declining to find a constructive discharge from being placed on the first step of progressive discipline even though the Employer told the employee that it did not think she was going to work out.

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