Profanity in the Workplace: When Does it Justify Denial of Unemployment Benefits?

Profanity in the Workplace: When Does it Justify Denial of Unemployment Benefits?

The question of whether an employee who is fired for using profanity can receive unemployment benefits requires careful analysis. While workplace profanity is never professional, not every instance of swearing justifies denying an employee unemployment compensation. Let's explore how Ohio law approaches this nuanced issue.

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Understanding How to Qualify for Ohio Unemployment After a Termination for Failing to Meet Performance Expectations

Understanding How to Qualify for Ohio Unemployment After a Termination for Failing to Meet Performance Expectations

The Ohio Supreme Court's decision in Tzangas established several crucial principles that continue to guide unemployment compensation determinations today. Most importantly, the Court held that an employee's unsuitability for their position can constitute sufficient fault to justify a denial of unemployment benefits - but only if specific criteria are met.

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Employers and Unemployment Hearing Officers May Not Deny Benefits for Reasons Outside Those Given At the Time of Termination - Unemployment News- 7/27/2016

Employers and Unemployment Hearing Officers May Not Deny Benefits for Reasons Outside Those Given At the Time of Termination - Unemployment News- 7/27/2016

The 11th District affirms that the Unemployment Compensation Review Commission and its hearing officers are "not permitted to reference a reason for the claimant's discharge other than the reason stated by the employer."

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Employers Must Show Reliable, Substantial and Probative Evidence of Their Case - Unemployment News - 7/25/2016

Employers Must Show Reliable, Substantial and Probative Evidence of Their Case - Unemployment News - 7/25/2016

The 8th District holds that the CMHA lacked sufficient evidence to terminate an employee with just cause for taking an application envelope out of an office, when it could not should which envelope the employee took out of the office.

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Unemployment After Termination for Poor Performance

Unemployment After Termination for Poor Performance

Employees will be ineligible for unemployment compensation when terminated for poor performance and the employer shows: (1) the employee does not perform required work; (2) the employer made its expectations known at the time of hire; (3) those expectations are reasonable; and (4) the requirements of the job have not changed since the date of hire.

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Am I my brother's keeper? - Unemployment News - 4/19/2016

Am I my brother's keeper? - Unemployment News - 4/19/2016

Company found to have just cause to terminate its president when he is absent from work due to a heart attack and other medical concerns, when he did not turn in medical documentation even though he was never requested to do so by his brother, the vice-president.

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Cleaning Preschools - Unemployment Appeals - 04/08/16

Cleaning Preschools - Unemployment Appeals - 04/08/16

The First District concludes that, when presented with conflicting evidence, the Review Commission's decision awarding benefits should not be disturbed, affirming that, "the fact that reasonable minds might reach different conclusions is not basis for the reversal of the [hearing officer's] decision."

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Unemployment Appeals Reports 3/17/16

Unemployment Appeals Reports 3/17/16

The Sixth District affirms a UCRC decision granting unemployment benefits to an individual accused of violating a cellphone policy, where the hearing officer gave more credibility to the claimant's testimony during the hearing than to hearsay statements relied upon by the employer.

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Unemployment Appeals Reports 3/11/16

Unemployment Appeals Reports 3/11/16

The 8th District affirms a denial of unemployment benefits to an employee who stored files, including pornographic files, on his work computer, holding that rules applying to the State Personnel Board of Review do not apply to unemployment benefits.

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Unemployment Appeals Reports 2/8/16

Unemployment Appeals Reports 2/8/16

The Sixth District affirms that fault is an essential component to just cause and explains it, "will not disrupt the hearing officer's decision to accord more weight to claimant's live testimony over the appellant's hearsay evidence."

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Unemployment Appeals Reports 01/06/16

Unemployment Appeals Reports 01/06/16

The Twelfth District affirms a denial of unemployment benefits due to a resignation without just cause, declining to find a constructive discharge from being placed on the first step of progressive discipline even though the Employer told the employee that it did not think she was going to work out.

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Progressive Discipline and Unemployment

Progressive Discipline and Unemployment

Employees who have been terminated should try to discover whether their employer had a progressive discipline policy and review whether it was followed.  If the employer did not follow their progressive discipline policy, there may be a good argument that it did not have just cause to terminate the employment relationship.

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Unemployment Requires Attempts to Correct Problems Before Resigning

Unemployment Requires Attempts to Correct Problems Before Resigning

To qualify for unemployment after a resignation, an employee should first notify their employer of the problems they are experiencing at work and give the employer an opportunity to correct them.  Documentation is important as well.

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