Can You Refuse An Offer to Return to Work When You Are High Risk and Not Lose Your Unemployment?

Can You Refuse An Offer to Return to Work When You Are High Risk and Not Lose Your Unemployment?

Ohio Unemployment will generally disqualify an individual from benefits if they refuse an offer to return to work. Many people have concerns about returning to work during COVID-19, but they do not want to lose their unemployment benefits. Governor Dewine provided some relief for such high risk individuals.

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Ohio Unemployment During Our Time of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ohio Unemployment During Our Time of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If your employer temporarily closes, or significantly cuts your hours and pay, you might become eligible for unemployment compensation. This should be treated as any other layoff due to a lack of work. As of today, you must have sufficient qualifying weeks of employment (i.e., 20 weeks during your base period with average gross earnings of $269 or more per week).

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Receiving Unemployment After a Resignation Due to a Transfer of a Military Spouse

Receiving Unemployment After a Resignation Due to a Transfer of a Military Spouse

If an individual’s spouse is (a) member of the armed forces of the United States who is on active duty or a member of the commissioned corps of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration or public health service; and (b) that spouse is subject to a transfer; the individual may qualify if they quit their job to move with their military spouse.

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Homes and Their Curtilage Have Fourth Amendment Protections

Homes and Their Curtilage Have Fourth Amendment Protections

The United States Supreme Court recently issued a decision in Collins v. Virginia that confirmed that the area immediately surrounding a home (i.e., the curtilage) receives the same protection from searches and seizures as the home itself, even if an automobile or motorcycle is parked in the curtilage. 

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Ohio DUI / Sobriety Checkpoints - The Law, The Rules and The Defenses

Ohio DUI / Sobriety Checkpoints - The Law, The Rules and The Defenses

Sobriety checkpoints do infringe upon our Constitutional rights and protections.  An experienced DUI Defense Lawyer will evaluate how the DUI checkpoint was planned and how it was conducted to develop the best arguments against the checkpoint.  Furthermore, even if conducted properly, the police may not detain for further screening without a reasonable suspicion based on articulable facts that the driver is impaired and it may not arrest without probable cause to believe the driver is impaired.

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BMV Must Show They Complied with 4511.192 Rules or Administrative License Suspension Should Be Vacated

BMV Must Show They Complied with 4511.192 Rules or Administrative License Suspension Should Be Vacated

Although R.C. 4511.197 limits challenges to administrative license suspensions to four conditions, the State must show that it complied with 4511.192 before the licensee is required to show the 4511.197 challenges.

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