Understanding Ignition Interlock Devices in Ohio

Understanding Ignition Interlock Devices in Ohio

An Ignition Interlock Device (IID) is an advanced breath testing unit integrated with a vehicle's ignition system. It acts as a safeguard against drunk driving by requiring the driver to submit a breath sample before starting the vehicle, therefore serving as a personal breathalyzer that controls us of the car.

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Changes to Ohio's OVI Penalties Effective April 6, 2017 (HB 388 "Annie's Law")

Changes to Ohio's OVI Penalties Effective April 6, 2017 (HB 388 "Annie's Law")

Some changes are coming to Ohio's OVI laws effective April 6, 2017.  These changes primarily involve a change in the look-back period from 6 years to 10 years as well as a push to increase the use of interlock systems.  While there are some concerns regarding the clarity of the law and certain nuances of its application, the following summarizes the more important implications.

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