Brian J. Smith, Attorney

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Ohio Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

Important Updates to Ohio Unemployment During COVID-19 / Coronavirus:

A. Mass Layoff Number:

If you are out of work due to COVID-19, you should use Mass Layoff Number #2000180 when applying for benefits. Instructions on how to use the Mass Layoff Number can be found here.

B. Viewing Correspondence and Determinations: 

Ohio's online unemployment system continues to have problems due to the high number of new claims. People are receiving notices they they are not able to open until about seven days later. Some of these notices, such as Notices of Required Action, expire before they can ever be opened.

Determination Letters will not expire and provide for 21 days to appeal. Determinations explain whether a person is approved or denied and give reasons why. It is frustrating to see that a Determination was issued denying benefits and to be unable to open the Determination Letter to see why; however, it is best to wait until the Determination Letter can be viewed before appealing so the full reasons for the Determination can be evaluated and responded to. Deadlines should never be missed, but there should be ample opportunity to appeal after the Determination Letter can be viewed. Ohio has provided this FAQ that discusses this an other COVID-19 unemployment issues.

C. Ohio Executive Order Expanding Unemployment Benefits:

The Ohio Governor issued an executive order making it easier for people affected by coronavirus to obtain unemployment benefits and there may be further changes to come. Updates regarding these changes can be found here: Here is what the Executive Order says for claimants:

  • Unemployed workers will include individuals requested by a medical professional, local health authority, or employer to be isolated or quarantined as a consequence of COVID-19 even if not actually diagnosed with COV-19; and

  • Individuals totally or partially unemployed, or who are participating in the SharedWork Ohio Program will not be required to serve a waiting period before receiving unemployment insurance or SharedWork benefits; and

  • Waiver of work search requirements shall include those individuals requested by a medical professional, local health authority or employer to be isolated or quarantined as a consequence of COVID-19 even if not actually diagnosed with COV-19

D. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA):

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act expanded unemployment benefits and those changes should be coming to Ohio. During the April 9, 2020 press conference, the Lieutenant Governor indicated that these changes should be rolled out in Mid-May and be retroactive. Here is a link that describes some of these benefits and their status. The changes include:

  • Up to an additional $600 per week in benefits, which will be applied retroactively to March 29, 2020 and last through July 25, 2020.

  • Extending benefits for an additional 13 weeks. Ohio provides 26 weeks, so the additional 13 weeks will provide 39 weeks of benefits. This extension lasts through December 31, 2020. Individuals who exhaust their maximum 26 weeks of regular unemployment benefits after March 29 will be able to apply for up to 13 weeks of additional payments, but Ohio's system is not yet set up for this.

  • Expanding benefits to include part-time employees, freelancers, independent contractors, gig workers, and the self-employed who would not otherwise qualify for benefits AND fit into one of the following categories:

  1. Those unable to reach their place of employment because of quarantine

  2. Those unable to reach their place of employment because they have been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine

  3. Those whose place of employment is closed because of COVID-19

  4. Those who were scheduled to start work but who no longer have a job because of COVID-19

  5. Those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19

  6. Those with a household member who has been diagnosed with COVID-19

  7. Those providing care to a family or household member with COVID-19

  8. Those with primary caregiving responsibilities for children or others who are unable to attend school or another facility due to COVID-19

E. Contacting Unemployment: 

Ohio Unemployment continues to be difficult, or near impossible, to reach by telephone.  This link provides telephone numbers to the various processing centers, which may or may not be easier to get through to than the general number.

F. COVID-19 Weekly Claims:

This is a guide to filing COVID-19 related weekly claims:

G. COVID-19 Stimulus Checks:

These do NOT need to be reported as earnings when filing weekly claims.

H. Families First Coronavirus Response Act - Employee Paid Leave Rights:

The Families First Coronavirus Response Act created mandatory paid leave for certain employees of covered employers. These employees may qualify for these leaves if they have been quarantined, need to care for an individual who is quarantined, or need to care for a child whose school or day care is closed for reasons related to COVID-19. Further explanation of these leaves and who are covered employers can be found here. Individuals qualifying for these leaves may receive full pay or 2/3 pay.

Ohio Unemployment will often deny a claimant benefits if they are eligible for leave from their employer. As a result, individuals eligible for these leaves should apply for them and, if denied, save documentation of that denial if they also apply for unemployment.

For assistance with unemployment appeals and further information about applying, visit The Law Offices of Brian J. Smith, ltd.