Probable Cause to Arrest for an OVI (Operating a Vehicle While Impaired) Requires Indications/Observations of Impairment

Probable Cause to Arrest for an OVI (Operating a Vehicle While Impaired) Requires Indications/Observations of Impairment

Signs of drinking are insufficient to justify an arrest for an OVI (operating a vehicle while impaired) at a sobriety checkpoint, without also observing signs of impairment such as erratic driving or behavior.

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DUI Appeal Reports 11/24/2015

DUI Appeal Reports 11/24/2015

The 8th District reaffirms that the maximum sentence for a third-degree felony OVI without a specification conviction is 3 years while the 5th District holds there is reasonable suspicion to stop a bicyclist who rides in the middle of the road, then rides into an OVI checkpoint, but jumps out of the checkpoint by riding his bicycle over the curb and on to the sidewalk.

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